Kitchen Design

Sample 1 :  SOHO (Small Office Home Office), Fraser Business Park, Kuala Lumpur

Same design with 3 different colors. Owner insists for natural colour to suit the overall  
Balinese concept & at last choosed the black & white kitchen cabinet color. For this one, sorry i don't have the finished photos at site.

Sample 2 :  Rumah Admin sendiri
Own design and the cabinet was custom made by kitchen cabinet contractor. Cost around RM4000+. 

Dibina tahun 2009, admin sangat berminat dengan elemen kayu~dapur resort concept
Due to very tight budget, kita proceed dengan 'budget kitchen cabinet'. Material pintu cabinet ialah kayu dengan walnut color finish.
Table top menggunakan 2'x2' black color slate tiles. Efeknya macam marble tapi harganya jauh lebih murah dari marble. In between top & bottom cabinet, dindingnya guna 1'x1' earth color mosaic slate & lantai jugak color tanah yang cerah. Hah macam tulah hasilnya. Nampak agak klasik. 
Mungkin selepas ni admin teringin bertukar selera ke modern cotemp kitchen cabinet pulak... apapun selepas 4 tahun keadaan cabinet & top masih baik.. so recommendla for budget below 5k dengan keluasan lantai spt di atas..


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